
Join the fight against the Queer activists 1- Destiny Church has won its latest battle: The Queer activists have cancelled their NZ tour (1) (2) It is incredible that this cancellation is happening just because a single and small community spoke out against their activities. I let you imagine what could happen if more communities and people spoke out, too Especially, if they are from different religions and ethnicities, with no links to Destiny Church (3) 2- Unfortunately for all of us, this win of Destiny Church is not a win of the war. More battles are looming ahead (4) (5) Which is why we have to join this fight. In fact, as believers in the Quran, we are compelled to forbid the wrong (6) Allah SWT tells us that   -Forbidding the wrong is as important as prayer or zakat (Quran 3:110, 3:114, 22:41, 31:17, 9:71)   -Forbidding the wrong is one of the traits of the believer (Quran 3:110, 9:71)   -Not forbidding the wrong makes the person knowingly a
In the protest of 20/04/2024 I went to the protest of Saturday 20 Apr, accompanied by my wife in her hijab, and my 7 years old daughter. We marched, in the rain, side by side with Destiny Church members, me holding up my hand-made sign reading: "STAY AWAY FROM CHILDREN & OUR MONEY" and "LET KIDS BE KIDS" We listened to the speeches of Hannah, Brian and others After the protest, we mixed and mingled with other protesters, chatted with some of them and took photos of some signs. Then, we went up to Hannah and Brian and thanked them for their position, and for standing up for my children, and for the whole humanity on this topic. (My gut feeling tells me they must have been surprised to see a Muslim woman in their protest.) They were very polite, nice and respectful We chatted a bit with them, and with the leaders of the group Rock The Vote NZ We then left the place, all drenched but - very glad we have worshiped God by taking part in sending a message to th
Pick your side: Sexualizing our children or not Assalamo Alaikom all, I am sending this email to as many Muslim associations and groups as I can as it is about a topic that should matter to all Muslims in NZ. 1- You must have learned that Destiny Church has created a movement pushing back against - the Transgender and Queer sexuality agenda, - and against its permeation in our children's schools and society. Destiny Church is calling for all NZers to join them in this movement, and show the Transgender and Queer activists that we all are against their sexuality agenda and against them using our money for that. 2- In particular, a protest is taking place on Saturday the 20th at 1:30pm in Britomart, Auckland to send them the message to keep our children and children of NZ out of their sexuality agenda (1) 3- We, as believers in the Quran, ought to take part in this protest, and in the whole movement Destiny Chu
Hello all NZ Minor Political Parties, I would like to make a call of collaboration to you. I am noticing that 1- The country is being sold out, piece by piece, at different times and in different ways. Opening up the possibility for the likes of Black Rock to take control (1) (2) 2- Kiwis continue to be ripped off and impoverished, because of the carelessness of officials (3) 3- Government and state officials can do whatever they want to the country and still walk free (4) (5) and there is no opposition disrupting the trend. This is the same condition that allows officials and the establishement and career politicians in the Arab world and African countries to sell out their countries, to destroy education, health services and the economy, to bring catastrophies (6) and even start armed conflicts, between them, with absolute and total impunity. I've been living in NZ for a few years now, and I am seeing the same general patter

Manifesto for justice and against evil

          Manifesto for Justice and against Evil The audience of this manifesto: Muslims in NZ The goal of this manifesto: Engage the Muslim community in 1) bringing about justice and 2) reining in injustice and evil in the society Introduction We are seeing injustice and human tragedies on a daily basis but we are doing nothing about them. For instance, what are we doing    - for the children being abused and killed (1) ?   - against the root causes of the indigenous people being more likely to grow up in state care or in prisons ?   - for the pregnant woman that is living domestic violence,  whose child is being mistreated in foster care, whose private space is being invaded by woman-looking men, whose old mother is soon to be thrown to the street (because her aged-care center is closing down) and whose sick old father is being presured, in a hosptal, to accept to be euthanized ? We are failing our duty towards the weak, the sick, the poor and the oppressed in the society we live

Feedback on the "Inclusive Education" policy

Feedback on the "Inclusive Education" policy Feedback on the "Inclusive Education" policy Introduction: Like all schools in the country, my child's is introducing the use of the "preferred pronoun". Meaning a boy can decide that he is a girl, and everybody should abide by that. Your child will be punished for using "he/him/his" when referring to that boy ! Here is my feedback to the school on this policy. Please copy any idea or section and use it in your feedback. ----------------------------------- My feedback: The following is my feedback on the "Inclusive Education" policy. In the first part, I am commenting on the use of the "preferred pronouns" of students under "Learners at the centre". In the second part, I am addressing a few sections under "Cultural and religious diversity" and "Sexuality and gender diversity".
Shirk 4 علاقة التطبيع بالرّدة عن الدين و بالشرك بالله لا يمكن الحديث عن التطبيع من وجهة نظر القرآن دون الحديث عن مشكل أكبر و أعمق و هو الشرك بالله و عصيانه. هنا بعض النقط القرآنية المترابطة و المتشابكة. بعضها يؤكد بعض. 1- المطبّعون مصيرهم عذاب الله العظيم ﻷنهم آرتدّوا عن دينه: ياأيها الذين آمنوا لا تتخذوا اليهود و النصارى أولياء… ياأيها الذين آمنوا من “يرتدّ منكم عن دينه”… إنما وليكم الله و رسوله و الذين آمنوا… سورة المائدة، 51-55 طبعا هنا الكلام عن الكافرين من اليهود و النصارى. و ليس على الذين لم يقاتلوننا في الدين و لم يخرجوننا من ديارنا، بدليل اﻵية 8 من سورة الممتحنة 2- عندما يأمر الله بتعامل معيّن. و السادة و الكبراء يرون غير ذلك فيشاكسون الله في المسألة. ألم يصبحوا آلهة مع الله ؟ كلمة "يشاكسون" بالمعنى المستعمل في اﻵية 21 من سورة الزمر. 3- موظفو الدولة الذين أصبح عندهم أمر السادة و الكبراء أكبر من أمر الله. أليسوا كاذبين عندما يصلون و يقولون “الله أ