Stand up for justice and against evil - worldwide

Palestine النسخة العربية
Saint Martin Version Française

- call muslims to join CS, by outlining the gain they will achieve (locally and globally and in the hereafter) in doing so
- tacit call to everyone to join CS, by outlining the gain they will achieve (locally and globally) in doing so
- the plan of evolution towards world justice and peace

A call to people to engage in reforming the world,
for their own peace and humanity's

Note: Although this article is written from the perspective of a Muslim addressing Muslims,
the solution it presents rests on values held by all people of goodwill and will benefit the whole humanity.
Therefore, Non-Muslims are more than welcome to comment, too, and/or suggest adjustments to the solution.


  1. We, Muslims, must actively engage in reforming our societies if we truly believe in the Quran and seek peace for ourselves, our children, and all humanity.
  2. Reforming our societies will compel governments to follow, and financial and political systems in the world to change; each change bringing us closer to the absolute justice and peace in the world.

1. Introduction

We are two billion people in the world,
  • We have no voice on the global stage
  • We are insignificant, unless we serve some agenda
  • Our countries' resources are exploited for the benefit of others,
    leaving us struggling to survive, forced into conflict with one another, or abandoned to die — on land and at sea
  • Our blood, and that of our children, is shed with impunity
  • We flee from one place to another
  • We lose our dignity by begging others to accept us in their countries
  • And wherever we arrive, we are met with dislike, fear, or at best, suspicion
  • We suffer - as minorities - in India, China, Myanmar, or the former Yugoslavia,
    and as majorities - in our own countries.
    The enemy comes right up to us, each time with a different excuse, to chase us, bomb our homes, our weddings and our hospitals.
  • And even when we are innocent, there is always someone who blames us for some tragedy or injustice.
This has been our reality for decades, and our plight is only worsening.

What will become of our children?

2- This Must Change

This situation must change.
And the change must start with us.
We cannot expect the world to change for our sake,
nor can we wait for divine intervention — our plight everywhere is a testimony to that.

Some questions we need to ask ourselves are:
  • What can we do?
  • How can we ensure that we, and our children, live in lasting peace in our host societies?
  • What can we do to make our original countries livable again — restoring peace, economy, education, healthcare, justice — so that we can eventually return?
  • How can we go even further and transform our countries into places that welcome everyone; places where people around the world dream to live in and trust their children’s futures with?
In an effort to accomplish some of those questions, some have attempted to topple our countries' regimes from abroad.
This has not and will not work.

3- The solution

There is a better solution to our issues.

The solution lies in bringing justice and peace to everyone, both locally and globally, as the Quran commands[1]
In doing so, our own issues will be resolved as well.

In practice, the solution unfolds in six phases.
Each phase requires time to mature and will follow a natural timeline.

4- The Solution in Detail

The six phases would be as follows:

Phase 1: Strengthening the Reform Movement in Host Societies

In this phase, Muslims actively engage with the civil society to address the social issues we encounter daily.
We take part in serving the needy.
We advocate for justice for children, the disabled, the elderly, and all vulnerable groups.
We work to reduce inequality, resolve family issues, promote justice for indigenous people, and foster harmony among different communities.

After a few years of engagement with the civil society,
  1. Our challenges within our host societies will begin to be partially resolved.
    We will start to be respected and even welcomed, seen as examples of gratitude and service rather than simply as outsiders taking jobs and houses or relying on welfare[2].
  2. Moreover, through this work, our community will discover the Quranic principles related to reform — such as the relentless pursuit of justice, hastening in good works, altruism, and steadfastness.
    We will begin to see what these values truly mean in practice and their profound impact on society.

Phase 2: Reforms Reflected in the Political Sphere and Laws

Our active involvement with the civil society will amplify the voice of the people, making it impossible for career politicians to ignore.
This will inevitably lead the government to manage the country with a focus on human rights and amend or enact appropriate legislation.

After a few years of commitment in phases 1 and 2
  1. We will have contributed to the creation of a unified, just and compassionate society where
    the issues of one individual are seen as the concerns of the entire community, regardless of ethnicity, religion, background, etc...
  2. More people will become engaged in the pursuit of social justice, recognizing its benefits for the future of their children's future and the country.
  3. Moreover, by this point, we will be living out all the principles of reform outlined in the Quran, in a complete and authentic manner.
    These principles, along with the underlying mechanisms, will have become second nature to us — just like prayer and fasting.
And as a result of all that, our own challenges within our host society will be fully resolved.

Phase 3: Reforms Reflected Worldwide

As our fellow Muslims overseas and compatriots in our original countries will also have been engaged in social reforms within their respective societies at the same time as we have
the same transformative process we will witness here will also unfold in their respective countries.

In this phase, more and more governments around the world will
  1. begin to uphold human values within their nations; and
  2. naturally align justly on international matters.
This will inevitably result in amendments to international laws and reforms to the UN.

Phase 4: Transformation of Financial and Political Systems

As the people's movement around the globe gains momentum, financial and political systems will begin to change, increasingly fostering justice and peace worldwide.
The hegemonic, retaliatory, and colonialist mindsets that have long plagued global politics will gradually give way to understanding, collaboration, and respect.
Imagine the social, economic, scientific, and artistic development that will start taking place in a continent like Africa, as a result of this new climate.

Phase 5: The Return to Our Homelands

The regimes in our countries will begin to weaken and transform, bringing justice and peace to our homelands.
At this point, emigration will cease, and we can also return to our countries.
Our challenges as Muslims in this world will be fully resolved.

Phase 6: Humanity Thrives

With the continuous monitoring and upholding of justice and peace around the globe, absolute peace is finally achieved worldwide.
There will be no forced or mass emigration, no division, no living in fear or poverty, no human trafficking or slavery, no famine or wars.
The last child in the most remote African village will be guaranteed a peaceful and decent life, with the opportunity to reach his/her full potential.

Humanity will finally attain the peace that God has always intended for it.

5- Warning in the Quran

As believers in the Quran, it is crucial that we actively engage in the work of reforming the world.
The Quran urges for reform.
It tells us that:
  1. Absolute justice has always been the goal of God sending messengers to humanity (Quran 57:25)
  2. God detests corruption and the corrupters (Quran 2:205, 28:77). Devotion to Him, therefore, entails opposing what He despises
  3. Reform comes through implementing God's commands (Quran 22:40, 2:251). Therefore, passively waiting for God to intervene to correct wrongs is a sign of perfidy, not true belief as stated in Quran 5:25-26
  4. A true believer enjoins what is right and forbids what is wrong (Quran 9:71, 22:41) and must be at the forefront in these areas (Quran 3:110)
  5. One's deeds are at risk of being nullified if s/he doesn't strive in reform and hasten in good works (Quran 3:114-115)
  6. Allowing wrongs to persist will result in experiencing the God's retribution sooner or later, in one way or another (Quran 8:25, 9:24)
  7. On the contrary, God protects those who stand against corruption, even if they were disbelievers (Quran 11:116-117)
  8. Continuing to live by only part of the Quran (prayer, fasting, etc...) while ignoring the rest (reform-related actions) will perpetuate our disgrace (Quran 13:11) which is a clear sign of the fate awaiting us in the Hereafter (Quran 2:85)
These verses show clearly that reforming is not an optional extra for the believer.
They should compel us to take action, if we truly believe in the Quran as the word of God, the Wise and All-Knowing.

6- Conclusion

Through our devotion to God, particularly by engaging in reform, we will earn respect and value in our host societies and across the world.
We will also bring peace and prosperity to ourselves, our children, and all of humanity (Quran 2:21)

Shall we begin discussing this plan and the next steps to take, or
will we just prefer to continue to live in lethargy and pass on our disgrace to our children?


[1] See § "5- Warning in the Quran" for some of the most obvious and direct verses about standing up to injustice and the danger of allowing it, in this life and the Hereafter.
[2] Quran 41:34 states that acting in goodness might turn even an enemy into a friend.

Read also:
The call to stand up for justice and fight off injustice and evil in society.
How the civil society can steer the political class to work for the people and the country.

List of articles around justice

Please offer your feedback below or by email to:


  1. Very thought provoking but yes, we the people can impact change for a fairer more just society and world.

  2. Hi Hassan
    I think much of what you write has merit and is well written....
    I'm not much of a writer myself !
    To be honest though I think that the powerful of the world, G7, all the imperialist/colonialist powers, ruling classes and whatever institutions prop them up will resist much reform.
    The current conflict with Israel USA etc
    perhaps an example.....a huge gulf exists between these powers and the bulk of humanity
    But how to change this?
    The same process seems to exist with climate change
    I think we just need to build a huge global movement and somehow end the rule of the few! ,... the racists, the imperialists, the warmongers, the fossil fuel companies etc I think the possibilities for this are enormous
    But we need to Unite somehow across the globe
    Will try wrote more soon
    Thank you for sending me your thoughts
    Free Palestine!
    Yours in solidarity

    1. There is no doubt that the powerful entities of the world, like the G7 and others, will resist. This is only natural.
      However, these organizations are composed of career politicians.
      Each of whom can be reined in by their own people.

      If citizens in each nation take control of their political leaders and drive them at the local level, these politicians will be less harmful also when acting collectively in groups like the G7 or NATO.
      To curb their influence, the people must stand up to injustice within their own countries, compelling politicians to serve the national interest or face the end of their careers. (Political parties will abandon leaders and members who become liabilities.)

      For this to happen, people need to be united, organized, and educated—a process that can be achieved through collaborative efforts toward reform.

  3. I think there is a limit to how much we can ever reform society perfectly.
    We can move in better or worse directions, but it seems to be a reality of human existence that there will always be greed, hatred, war etc.
    Reforming society is all good and well – but we human beings tend to act in self-interested ways. Both Islam and Christianity talk about sin that has distorted even the best of human intentions.
    What do you think?

    1. > ...Reforming society is all good and well – but we human beings tend to act in self-interested ways...

      I agree that reforming society the way we envision is challenging,
      due to human traits like greed, hatred, and selfishness—traits that have always been at the root of corruption.

      But we can come up with a few ideas to overcome this challenge.

      A few ideas I've thought about since I read your response might be:

      1- to educate ourselves and others—especially the younger generation—about destructive human traits like greed, hatred, selfishness, bullying, and racism.
      We must learn not only how to identify these traits but also
      how to liberate ourselves from them and cultivate empathy.
      This education will inspire individuals to take responsibility for the well-being of those around them and
      to escalate issues to the appropriate authorities or NGOs when necessary.

      2- to never allow regression in reform.

      3- to adopt the principle that says "attack is the best form of defense."
      In this context, it means consistently striving to extend peace into other areas of human life.
      For example, after securing justice for children in state care, the next step would be to address family issues.
      This would involve exploring various aspects of family life to create a harmonious environment for children, such as
      educating parents on effective parenting,
      strengthening relationships between spouses, and
      combating issues like addiction, anger, ...

      These are just a few ideas on how to counteract the dark side in our human soul.
      But surely, there are many other people with better ideas and plans.
      For instance, just few days ago, I came across the book title "The Origins of War in Child Abuse", which reveals the impact of violence in childhood on humanity (I am still reading it, though)
      The existence of such works highlights that there are many out there with valuable insights that can contribute to advancing reform efforts and strengthening peace in different ways, including from the human being himself.

  4. We are currently seeing a fragmentation of societies that were once stable.
    Especially in the Christian West. The U.S., EU, and U.K. are prime examples. Though the Christian West was founded on Christian values, it has not been immune to corruption, greed and xenophobia, and warmongering (as you allude to in your article!). Climate change and other global threats will likely put huge pressure on societies that will heighten tensions both at a national and international level.


    1. > We are currently seeing a fragmentation of societies that were once stable...

      In my opinion, the fragmentation of societies is one of many red herrings used to divert attention.
      This division causes people to shift their focus away from the major issues plaguing their countries—whether it’s the deterioration of health services, education, or the economy
      towards heated internal arguments and conflicts.
      And to further complicate matters, societies are flooded with emigrants of all kinds, and provocative ideas and ideologies are deliberately generated to stir up more unrest.

      How to fix this?

      I believe that politicians are often forced down a path of national destruction, compelled to follow the agenda of those who control their fate.
      And they will continue to do so to satisfy those who hold the power to ruin their careers
      the public becomes equally dangerous to their political futures.

      Once the public succeeds in making an example out of a single government minister, pushing his or her career to the brink of collapse,
      all other politicians will become far more cautious about ignoring public demands.
      This would lead to a situation where the people, rather than those who pull the strings, drive the direction of government (regardless of the politicians' affiliations.)
      In such a scenario, all harmful schemes, including the deliberate fragmentation of society, would begin to disappear.

      But to reach the point where the people can steer the government,
      the public must break free from its current state of apathy and act as a united force.
      To achieve this, the public:
      - Needs to understand that politics isn’t about being polite or passive but about applying pressure and putting politicians' careers at risk.
      - Must unite with passion and determination in demanding what is right and forbidding what is wrong
      - Has to act in a coordinated, organized manner.
      - Should foster trust, respect, and a sense of belonging between its various communities.
      - Must view each other as humans first, setting aside differences.
      - Should wholeheartedly accept our differences, understanding that we are all different just like each other. (even two brothers from the same family, culture, faith, etc... will ALWAYS be different in taste, opinions, actions, etc...)

      By working together to support the needy and oppressed, people can develop all these essential skills and rekindle their human instinct for justice and peace.
      In a way, injustice provides a unique opportunity for people to come together, strengthen their bonds, and stand united against evil.

      That's what I can say now.
      Please let me know if you have any more questions or suggestions.
      They will be very welcome.


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