
The civil society can steer the political class

Summary A call to civil society to collaborate in order to steer the political class Summary: Career politicians and some state officials do everything they can to hold on to the benefits and opportunities that come with their best jobs. Civil Society (CS) can leverage this dynamic to get them to work for justice and the country. Without such effort, Career politicians will continue to view CS as fragmented and ineffective groupuscules, They will continue to deceive the public with empty campaign promises, allowing them to secure their positions and benefits for decades, and Oppression and chaos will persist, locally and globally. 1. The Current State of Affairs CS and the public have currently little to no control over the political class. Career politicians routinely ignore the public's demands, purs...

Thoughts on news

2024/11/13 Political rivalry hurting the country The National and Labour parties have agreed to take politics out of infrastructure. This means that the successive governments delaying and halting projects while promising to start new ones were merely tactics designed to deny the previous government any credit and intentionally undermine its initiatives. This approach should extend to other sectors as well—such as education, healthcare, the economy, housing, and addressing social issues. Questions: 1- How can the two major parties claim to be serving the country and its citizens when they succumb to their rivalry, wasting money and depriving the country of valuable projects? 2- Where is the civil society and the public in these maneuvers? Why doesn’t civil society and the public draw a line in the sand for projects that were agreed upon by the previous government? Why do they allow the animosities between the two major parties to affect th...

List of articles around justice

How the civil society can steer the political class to work for the people and the country. Political rivalry hurting the country (2024/11/13) Official appology for abuse in state care (2024/11/12) Thoughts on news نداء للمسلمين للانخراط في إصلاح العالم، من أجل سلامهم و سلام الإنسانية Lutte pour la justice et contre le mal - dans le monde entier Stand up for justice and against evil - worldwide Stand up for justice and against evil in society Our behavior pattern might turn our own children into becoming war criminals! Lest-we-forget list for NZ Calling for Minor Political Parties to collaborate Feedback on the "I...

Our behavior pattern might turn our own children into becoming war criminals!

النسخة العربية Version Française In the past, the rulers of Arab and Muslim nations were openly and vehemently opposed to genocides in Palestine and the wider Middle East. Over time, they slowly started to shift their positions, proposing peace agreements of all kinds with Israel. In the last 10 years, portions of Muslims and Arabs nations have gradually started to change their position, too, after the political normalizations with Israel. Today, more rulers are supporting the genocide, and portions of their nations provide finance and men to it, while religious scholars and leaders, unions and the civil society are keeping quiet. Given this trend, I bet that, in the next major genocide, our own children who will be in their 30s and 40s, will themselves be soldiers, killing the "terrorists", and burning and torturing their women and children, or burying them alive. In the past, people learned about genoc...

نداء للمسلمين للانخراط في إصلاح العالم، من أجل سلامهم و سلام الإنسانية

English version Version Française نداء للمسلمين للانخراط في إصلاح العالم، من أجل سلامهم و سلام الإنسانية الملخص: يجب علينا نحن المسلمين أن نشارك في إصلاح مجتمعاتنا، إذا كنا نؤمن حقًا بالقرآن و نريد السلام لأنفسنا و لأطفالنا و للإنسانية جمعاء. إن إصلاح مجتمعاتنا سيجبر الحكومات على اﻹصلاح و سيدفع لتغيير النظام المالي و السياسي في العالم؛ و مع كل تغيير نقترب أكثر من العدالة و السلام المُطلقَين في العالم. 1. المقدمة نحن مليارا مسلم في العالم، و مع ذلك : لا صوت لنا على الساحة الدولية لا قيمة لنا، عدا لخدمة أهداف اﻵخرين موارد بلداننا تُستغل لصالح الآخرين و نحن نُترك لمواجهة قسوة الحاجة، أو نُدفع في صراعات دموية بيننا، أو نواجه الموت في البر و البحر، فرادى و جماعات دماؤنا و دماء أطفالنا تُراق بدون رحمة نهرب من مكان إلى آخر نتذلل للآخرين ليقبلوننا في بلدانهم و حيث...

Lutte pour la justice et contre le mal - dans le monde entier

النسخة العربية English version Appel aux musulmans à s'engager dans la réforme du monde, pour leur propre paix et celle de l'humanité Résumé: Nous, musulmans, devons nous engager activement dans la réforme de nos sociétés si nous croyons vraiment au Coran et cherchons la paix pour nous-mêmes, nos enfants et toute l'humanité. Réformer nos sociétés contraindra les gouvernements à suivre, et les systèmes financiers et politiques du monde à changer, chaque changement nous rapprochant davantage vers la justice et la paix absolues dans le monde entier. 1. Introduction Nous sommes deux milliards de personnes dans le monde, et pourtant : Nous n'avons aucune voix sur la scène mondiale Nous sommes insignifiants, à moins de servir un agenda Les ressources de nos pays sont exploitées au profit des...

Stand up for justice and against evil - worldwide

النسخة العربية Version Française - call muslims to join CS, by outlining the gain they will achieve (locally and globally and in the hereafter) in doing so - tacit call to everyone to join CS, by outlining the gain they will achieve (locally and globally) in doing so - the plan of evolution towards world justice and peace A call to people to engage in reforming the world, for their own peace and humanity's Note: Although this article is written from the perspective of a Muslim addressing Muslims, the solution it presents rests on values held by all people of goodwill and will benefit the whole humanity. Therefore, Non-Muslims are more than welcome to comment, too, and/or suggest adjustments to the solution. Summary: We, Muslims, must actively engage in reforming our societies if we truly believe in the Quran and...