Join the fight against the Queer activists

1- Destiny Church has won its latest battle: The Queer activists have cancelled their NZ tour (1) (2)

It is incredible that this cancellation is happening just because
a single and small community spoke out against their activities.

I let you imagine what could happen
if more communities and people spoke out, too
Especially, if they are from different religions and ethnicities, with no links to Destiny Church (3)

2- Unfortunately for all of us,
this win of Destiny Church is not a win of the war.
More battles are looming ahead (4) (5)

Which is why we have to join this fight.

In fact, as believers in the Quran, we are compelled to forbid the wrong (6)
Allah SWT tells us that
  -Forbidding the wrong is as important as prayer or zakat (Quran 3:110, 3:114, 22:41, 31:17, 9:71)
  -Forbidding the wrong is one of the traits of the believer (Quran 3:110, 9:71)
  -Not forbidding the wrong makes the person knowingly and defiantly disobedient (Fasiq) (Quran 3:110)
  -Picking and choosing which orders of God to implement and which to ignore is punishable in this life and in the hereafter (Quran 2:85)

3- If you are willing to join the fight,
please let me know which platform/app you'd like to use to discuss how to go about the fight.
I will create a group to which you will be invited.
Or, let me know if you have a better option.

Thank you


(1) Drag Queen reading group cancels nationwide tour amid protests

(2) Drag Queen reading group rainbow storytime cancels nationwide tour amid ongoing protest by destiny church leader brian tamaki

(3) This might trigger their end in NZ, and even worldwide, as other nations will copy our work.

(4) In link (1) we can read that the Queer activists are taking the "hateful, icky" group to court.

(5) Stand up to destiny church

(6) In this specific instance of the Queer activities, the wrong is at least twofold: the perversion of humans and using our money for that


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