At the protest of 20/04/2024

I went to the protest of Saturday 20 Apr,

accompanied by my wife in her hijab, and my 7 years old daughter. We marched, in the rain, side by side with Destiny Church members, me holding up my hand-made sign reading: "STAY AWAY FROM CHILDREN & OUR MONEY" and "LET KIDS BE KIDS" We listened to the speeches of Hannah, Brian and others After the protest, we mixed and mingled with other protesters, chatted with some of them and took photos of some signs. Then, we went up to Hannah and Brian and thanked them for their position, and for standing up for my children, and for the whole humanity on this topic. (My gut feeling tells me they must have been surprised to see a Muslim woman in their protest.) They were very polite, nice and respectful We chatted a bit with them, and with the leaders of the group Rock The Vote NZ We then left the place, all drenched but - very glad we have worshiped God by taking part in sending a message to the Transgender and Queer activists - and fully confident that no one is beyond changing their mind about other people, even in the backdrop of disagreement or animosity, just as Allah SWT reassures us in Quran 41:34: "Repel evil with what is better;
thereupon the one whom between you and him is enmity will become as close as an old and valued friend."




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