Lest-we-forget list for NZ

People quickly forget all the harm politicians do to them and to the country.
This works perfectly for career politicians. They get away with their deeds:

  • They escape accountablity
  • They get elected over and over again, keeping their best job, which grants them money, fame, influence and connections world-wide

One way to change that is educating the public by maintaining a lest-we-forget list
that serves as a reminder of

  • their deeds
  • and the downhill the country is taking

Here is a first attempt of such a list.
More items and evidence need to be added.
Can you join this effort ?

  1. Contending political parties in election don't have equal access to the publicly funded media - so much so that the public discovers some political parties only on the voting paper, on the election day!
  2. Politicians and state officials can walk free no matter the alleged harm the country has experienced during their time in office (link to the statement of Finance minister about the books) [see officials can walk free]
  3. Election campaign pattern: Once candidates get in the government, all their campaign promises take the back seat.
  4. A new government can easily scrap projects and repeal policies and laws set by a previous government, with all the public money wasted both ways.
  5. The government and the state can use tax payers' money, at their will, for projects citizens have never agreed to and not aware of. [use tax payers' money]
  6. The public voice is ignored by the government, politicians and state officials (ex: during consultations for upcoming laws)
  7. The country has been privatized since the 1980s and the trend is not slowing down.
  8. Prepare for the privatization of public assets and services: threaten to shut them down, so the public willingly accepts the offer of some private company to manage them
  9. NZ is selling its Auckland Airport off. In a decade or two, it will fall under the control of the UAE or chinese government or BlackRock.
    When will it be the turn of other NZ airports and ports ?
  10. NZ has no fuel security with the shut down of the Marsden Point oil refinery
  11. NZ is gently being dragged into war with China, and so much for the nuclear-free position
  12. Banks, gentailers and big supermarket chains rip massive benefits while NZers are doing it tough
  13. The big supermarket chains, the private middle-man between the NZ farmer and the NZ consumer, afford to squeeze both sides and rip massive benefits
  14. Farmers are under attack. Not only are they loosing money, their metal health is deteriorating as well. ( Farmers' mental health issues double on last year )
  15. Bee keepers under attack. Either burn $2M worth of equipment or jail
  16. Fishing under threat. Amidst the soaring cost of living, people are stopped from fishing, further squeezing the poor and pushing them and their families to illegal activities. (todo find a map of banned areas in NZ. have some written or video evidence.)
  17. Housing issue (need more detail)
  18. Employees in many sectors are still mandated out of their jobs
  19. Vaccine-injured are still not compensated
  20. No investigation into the harm that covid-related measures and decisions had on the public and the economy
  21. Blackmail for covid vaccine. Patients must be vaccinated to receive heart and lung transplant (todo get link from tweeter/Kristen)
  22. 11k doctors were exempted from taking the vaccine (link ?)
  23. Fund cuts targetting schools and children of low-income families. No regard to the future of the country. The future citizens of the country are being destroyed under our watch under the excuse of redressing the finances of the country
  24. While the education system needs funds for dyxlexia diagnosis, the govenremnt is going even a step further by cutting lunches. (todo: put together a list of evidence.)
  25. Fund cuts targetting the disabled NZers and their already stretched families. No regard to the future of the country under the excuse of redressing the finances of the country
  26. NZers living with rare diseases are not supported and are suffering in silence
  27. Rest homes closing down, and the people who built the country are now being asked to die quickly. (10)
  28. Oranga Tamariki is failing NZers, and no reform on the horizon
  29. Mistreatment of children, and even their torture and killing, is unstoppable
  30. Domestic violence is unstoppable
  31. Criminality is rampant
  32. Pike river mine is still unresolved. 13 years on after the catastrophe !!
  33. NGOs helping the poor receive little or no public funding (Salvation army, city mission, todo :put together evidence and stats)
  34. While The education and health sectors are underfunded, the government affords to fund unnecessary projects or overseas wars
  35. Our tax money is being used to pervert the perfect creation of God

List of recipients of this email

  1. Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
  2. Democracy Action
  3. Democracy NZ
  4. Democratic Alliance
  5. Family First
  6. Free Speech Union
  7. Freedoms NZ
  8. Friends and justice activists
  9. Groundswell NZ
  10. itsourauckland.co.nz
  11. Leighton Baker Party
  12. New Conservatives
  13. New Nation Party
  14. New Zealand Loyal
  15. New Zealand Taxpayers' Union
  16. NewZeal Party
  17. Nick Rockel
  18. NZDSOS
  19. NZTSOS
  20. Operation People
  21. Outdoors and Freedom Party New Zealand
  22. PSNA
  23. Reality Check Radio
  24. Resist Gender Education
  25. Rock the Vote NZ
  26. Scoop
  27. Socialist Aotearoa
  28. Socialist Equality Group
  29. The Freedoms & Rights Coalition
  30. The International Socialist Organisation Aotearoa
  31. The New Zealand Women's Rights Party
  32. The Opportunities Party
  33. Vision New Zealand
  34. Voices for Freedom
  35. Voters United NZ
  36. Wake UP NZ
  37. Yes Aotearoa


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